At the beginning of February, I presented this set of questions as questions needing to be asked of the Republican candidates. The paragraph below is the conclusion to this post. In addition, every candidate for president needs to be pressed on this same question. We are now in the midst of primary season, which means …
A Little Shadowban Question
If you would, please bear with me — I need to begin with a little test. I have some reason to suspect that I may have been shadowbanned by Twitter. If you know not what that is, here is a brief article on it by Milo Yiannopoulos, the self-described “dangerous faggot.” So first the test. …
Unicorn Flatulence
Rick Phillips recently wrote that socialism is evil. Now this is a sentiment that should make all God’s children rejoice and be glad, and I applaud Phillips for saying out loud what needs to be said out loud. Socialism really is evil, and it is evil for the reasons Phillips said. But more needs to …
A Bright Red Nose for the Clown State
The other day I tweeted this about the ongoing primary battle on the Republican side: “The reason Trump is doing well so far is that the clown state is engaged in a diligent search for a bright red nose.” But this requires further development, along with other related observations need to be made about where …
Didn’t Know My Phone Was That Secure
The current showdown between the federal government and Apple is very interesting, and turns on a technical question that is beyond my capacity to answer. Whether we should side with Apple or not depends upon the ramifications of what they have been asked to do. But all of us can know the principle that is …
21 Principles for the Christian Citizen
Because the teaching of the apostle Paul on civil authority is widely misunderstood and misrepresented, we need to review some basic principles. As we do, we need to remember something that Abraham Kuyper once said: “In any successful attack on freedom the state can only be an accomplice. The chief culprit is the citizen who …
The Piracy That Is Socialism
Meanwhile, over on the Democratic side of the presidential campaign, we find that we have merely made our way over to the other side of the fun house. That race is between Hillary Clinton, queen of mendacity, Bernie Sanders, king of authentic economic lunacy, and, of course, TBD. TBD will get into the race under …
Rhymes With Bruise
I want to begin what I say here by honoring the memory of Justice Antonin Scalia. He was a man who understood himself, who understood the Constitution, and who understood the enemies of constitutional liberty — whose name unfortunately is Legion. Here is Scalia on the reason for this. “God assumed from the beginning that …
Hazlitt and a Spear of Ash
The results from Iowa were almost ideal, whether we are talking about the Republicans or the Democrats. But first, the Democrats and Hillary. It is of course a major big time desideratum that she implode, and I am sure that I am joined in this pious wish by friends of the Republic everywhere. But if …
We Are Most Seriously Displeased
We are not going to appear at the Fox News debate, for we are most seriously displeased. Once the royal majesty of the deal-maker is insulted, how can Ailes still expects the deals to happen? Makes no sense. We have been in a long campaign. Thus far I have said what I think and I …