A Richly Deserved Thwapping

Allow me to make a few random observations in pursuit of a larger truth. First, Charles Murry recently wrote a book—By the People—a book that had a marvelous phrase in the subtitle, which was “liberty without permission.” Secondly, and this might seem like a lurch, Nancy and I used to have a very good health …

Most of It Isn’t a Hole

As Yogi Berra once purportedly said, “You can observe a lot by just watching.” I have been most interested in watching how the Russian-election-hacking story played out, linked, as it has now been, to the president’s spectacular accusation against the former president this last weekend. The president said that Obama had ordered Trump Tower be …

The Left’s Gift to Greybeard Paleo-Conservatives

So let contemplate for a moment the coming opportunity to end human abortion in America. And let us also contemplate how the opportunity for this was created by the lack of impulse control on the left. But we must begin by noticing an instinctive and characteristic difference between conservatives and progressives. That difference is this. …

Surrounded With Beer Cans

If, under the new covenant, the promises of Deuteronomy can legitimately be applied to a nation today, then it is possible for us to sort out what we should think about immigration biblically. If the promises of Deuteronomy do not apply, then we (and the refugees) are cast upon our own resources. The whole subject …

Modified Stationary Freak-Out

Introduction: So Donald “Jehu” Trump comes to the Left’s estate sale, looks at an expensive vase left by their deceased grandmother, and offers them ten bucks for it. “Ten dollars?!?!,” they screech in unison. “That is worth two thousand, at least.” What kind of idiot offers ten dollars for a two thousand dollar vase? After …