Rats in our Soul

I was reminded yesterday of just how much I hate communism—not to mention all the forms of communism masquerading under other auspices. And in speaking of those who seek to provide those other auspices, I am thinking of that sort of person who just a few years ago was saying something like “let’s try it …

Trump and the Cultural Commies

Introduction: Your commies come in two basic categories. One kind of Marxism emphasized economics, class and revolution while the other emphasized culture, slow degradation and the promotion of rot. The former was urged and fomented by Lenin, while the latter was urged by men like Gramsci, who argued for a “long march through the institutions.” …

So Deal With It, Buttercup

There is a difference, and not a small one either, between answering an argument and responding to a tantrum. When you try to make the tantrum stop through appeasement, all you are actually doing is purchasing the next tantrum. “A man of great wrath shall suffer punishment: For if thou deliver him, yet thou must …

Charges? We Don’t Need No Stinking Charges.

So if I may, I would like to explain the basic problems with asset forfeiture in simple and straightforward terms. In their opposition to it, the editors at National Review said, “Asset forfeiture is a constitutionally questionable practice,” and while it was good to see them calling for Jeff Sessions to get a hold of …

Jonah, Jonah or Elephant Doctor Doses

So let me say at the front end that Jonah Goldberg is my favorite contemporary political writer. He is vivid, funny, and almost always on point. He is part of the conservative firmament, and yet does not display some of the irritating characteristics on regular display from the kept conservatives, from the kennel-fed conservatives, from …

A Dead Rat on the High Altar

So President Trump pulled us out of the Paris Climate Shakedown, and I have been frankly surprised at the extent and depth of the progressive meltdown over it. The reaction has been fervently religious, as though the president left a dead rat on the high altar or something. So many liberals have their hair on …

A Proposal for the President

Dear Mr. President, I should begin by acknowledging that I was not among those who supported your campaign for the Republican nomination, and that I did not vote for you in the general election. This was centrally because—speaking frankly—I did not trust your professed conversion to the pro-life cause. At the same time, I need …