A Dead Rat on the High Altar

So President Trump pulled us out of the Paris Climate Shakedown, and I have been frankly surprised at the extent and depth of the progressive meltdown over it. The reaction has been fervently religious, as though the president left a dead rat on the high altar or something. So many liberals have their hair on …

A Proposal for the President

Dear Mr. President, I should begin by acknowledging that I was not among those who supported your campaign for the Republican nomination, and that I did not vote for you in the general election. This was centrally because—speaking frankly—I did not trust your professed conversion to the pro-life cause. At the same time, I need …

And Me Without My Tinfoil Hat . . .

Let me say at the outset that I am saying nothing one way or the other about the particular circumstances concerning the murder of Seth Rich—other than the obvious fishiness of the thing. I don’t know anywhere near enough to talk about the case itself in any detail. But we do know that Julian Assange …

A Richly Deserved Thwapping

Allow me to make a few random observations in pursuit of a larger truth. First, Charles Murry recently wrote a book—By the People—a book that had a marvelous phrase in the subtitle, which was “liberty without permission.” Secondly, and this might seem like a lurch, Nancy and I used to have a very good health …