Forgiveness and Trust

One of the most difficult exercises in practical Christian living is learning the distinction between forgiveness and trust, as well as the distinction between forgiveness and qualification for office. Forgiveness is hard enough to do without confusing it with things that are impossible to do. Let me state the general problem first, using different illustrations. …

Tullian, Kevin and the Point of Our Conference

First thing, if you haven’t already, go to the post below and look at the trailer for The Grace Agenda. We’ll wait here. Okay, second, if you haven’t already, check out this link to Justin Taylor that points you to an irenic and helpful discussion between Tullian Tchividjian and Kevin DeYoung on the subject of …

When Gollum Bit His Finger Off

Believers often find themselves up against it. The challenge might be medical, familial, financial, educational, or personal. We tend to think in terms of pressure or stress, and when it gets really bad, trouble. The old Puritans thought in terms of affliction, as well as in terms of God’s antidote to affliction, which is contentment. …

Become Less to Matter More

For reasons I don’t need to go into here, I have been mulling this last week on godly ambition, and the desire to make a difference in the world. For, of course, there is a dangerous counterfeit here. Wanting to change the world is one of the most predictable and worldly things we can do. …

Strange Contentment

INTRODUCTION: Rightly understood, contentment is impossible to understand. A preacher who sets himself to explain it is therefore heading into treacherous waters. He needs to take care to explain only those aspects of it that are laid out in the Word, and then leave the the Holy Spirit to His work in bringing about contentment …

Difficult Relationships

INTRODUCTION: For a number of years, we have been emphasizing community, life together, fellowship, communion, what the New Testament calls koinonia. The response to this emphasis has been significant—showing that there is a real spiritual hunger for this kind of thing. But there is a hitch—other people are involved. A number of months ago, Doug …