If Herman Cain did not do the things that are alleged of him, then he should soldier on. If he did do them, and is lying about it now, then he should retire from the field in a cloud of contumely. All the spectators, meantime, should meditate on what constitutes proof, and assume the accusation …
Ron Paul, Enemy of Liberty
Let me say at the outset that I don’t know who I will vote for when the primary campaign finally wends its way to Idaho. The field will no doubt be a bit different, and we likely know a good bit more about the candidates, probably a bit more than we wanted to know. I …
Cardinal Sexuality
I wanted to riff off of something that the Bayly brothers noted here. When we say that something is of cardinal importance, we are leaning on the older Latin meaning of the source word, cardo, which meant door hinge. Human sexuality is of cardinal importance. It is a hinge upon which all turns. It is …
The Golden Rule Hermeneutic
Jesus gave us a fundamental way of measuring our treatment of others — do unto others as you would have them do unto you (Matt. 7:12). Pretty straightforward, and who disagrees with that? Well, the point of His instruction here was not likely to elicit disagreement so much as various forms of non-compliance. As sinners, …
Those Cowed Already Will Continue to Be
Comes now some academic bloviation to help us all through whatever remaining prejudices we might have had about the molestation of children (HT: Baylyblog & Frank Turk). At issue is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which is still, even in these postmodern times, filled with hatred and outmoded forms of discriminatory …
And Have Him Arrested
A friend wrote privately to ask me this: “Isn’t there a difference in kind between a woman being the CEO of a homeschool curriculum company and a woman serving as the commander in chief with authority over the generals?” And someone in the comments asked: “what if, instead of a Chemical Engineer husband and a …
Some Form of Egalitarian Cloudification
As Bertie Wooster would say to Byron York, were he here, and were he reading this, rem acu tetigisti. You have touched the thing with a needle. Now that Pawlenty has dropped out on the basis of his third place finish in the Iowa straw poll, and Bachmann has won it, it is time to …
The White House TV Remote
I don’t want to do a lot of typing for nothing, and so much of this question should probably be deferred for later — if Michele Bachmann is still in the race. At the Republican debate last night, Bachmann was asked if she was a submissive wife. She deflected the question, and answered in terms …
The Baseball Cap of Punditry
Let us talk about the problem of Marcus Todd, and by this I am not referring to what ought to be the name of an upscale men’s clothier, but rather to the problem of Marcus Bachmann and Todd Palin. Anyone with an Internet connection and an interest in politics should know that in the last …
When the Veneer Peels
A staple argument of homosex apologetics is that when the Bible condemns the vile behavior of the residents of Sodom, it was addressing the violent side of it — the attempted rape of Lot’s visitors. It does not address at all, so the argument goes, the kind of loving, caring, mutually affirming same sex relationships …