Counterfactuals, Convulsion, and Conquest

A friend asks how the “mere Christendom” I envision would handle off-budget (i.e. private) gay “marriages.” Would they be illegal? A related issue, given that this mere Christendom is a ways off, has to do with what we should be looking for in the mean time. Evangelical Christians in North America do not have their …

Not Whether But Which, As I Keep Saying

It is not hard to understand the chaos and pandemonium going down around us if you keep certain inescapable realities in the forefront of your mind. Cornelius Van Til called it epistemological self-consciousness. C.S. Lewis referred to the idea this way in his great novel, That Hideous Strength. “I mean this,” said Dimble, answering the …

Hermeneutics As Sexual Identity

Something Orwell could tell us, were he here, is that the perversion of language is the mother of all subsequent perversions. In Politics and the English Language, he pointed to language that consisted “largely of euphemisms, question begging, and sheer cloudy vagueness.” Sheer cloudy vagueness. “My name is Justin Lee, and I’m a committed Christian …