What if there were a web site that allowed you to generate your own church signs. There is? You could perhaps wind up with a battle of the church signs. HT: Scott Linn
A lot of pastors could do worse than to insert this little number in a service somewhere as “special music.” HT: Peter Scholtens
So That’s It
I am experimenting with posting images, but here is a fun site while I am at it.
Just a Couple Stops
More fun deconstructing the epistemofadists. HT: the Pyro guys And I saw this some time ago, and thought it was one of the funnier commercials I had seen. I think that this was before I knew how to embed video clips here. In case that it so, here it is again. HT to Mark Horne …
Seems Simple Enough
Contrasting ways of looking at the world. HT: Borg Blog
An “Unnecessary” Website
Somebody’s gotta clean up around here.
Why God Gave Some Men Fingers
This is a good business. HT: Bayly Blog
A Little Irreverence Goes a Long Way
Jihad. The Musical. HT: Steven Wedgeworth
Oh, Yeah?
Some friends were talking about Rene Girard and his work, and one of them thought to send me this clip — illustrative of the bizarre nature of mimetic conflict. Enjoy.
Relevance in the Passing Lane
The entire collection can be seen here, but I needed to post my four favorites. HT: Austin Storm