A worthwhile discussion about vestments is being had over at Baylyblog. If you join that discussion, be sure to behave.
With Eyes Open, in Other Words
And here is a sane defense of voting GOP. Worth reading.
The Straight Skinny
As your gird up your loins for the November congressional elections, and as you are looking for the straight skinny on what has happened to us, I would suggest that you take the time to read the whole thing. This reminds us, as we need to be reminded constantly, that Republicans are not the answer. …
Changing My Name to Van Wilsma
A few weeks ago I taught at a conference in Boise together with my friend Alan Burrow, and the audio from that conference is now available here. Here is a good thing. Some Canadian Reformed theologians interact with some questions related to the FV, and they do so as adults. If anybody else is watching, …
Monday Morning on the Web
Nate will be at a Barnes & Noble this Wednesday in Seattle. Here’s the info. He’ll be in Boise this weekend, but we don’t have the info on that yet. My friend Darren Doane (and director of Collision) has an interesting video take on Genesis here. Check it, as they say, out. My daughter Rachel …
On More on Piper/Warren
In yet another video clip related to Piper/Warren, I expand a bit on what I meant by a “prophetic willingness” on the part of pastors to address the sins of the age. On an unrelated note, many thanks to David R. in Japan. And on a third unrelated note, we all need to stop slandering …
Down on the Banks of the Ohio
The last few days Nancy and I have been speaking at the 2010 Midwest Homeschooling Convention in Cincinnati. The event is simply gargantuan (upwards of four thousand families), and vendor booths stretching over the horizon. Our many thanks to the organizers for inviting us; we had a grand time. I had a good conversation here …
Rick Warren as Curve Ball
In the minds of some, I was the bad boy at the Desiring God conference last year, and here I am asked about how John Piper decided to fill that slot this year. I thoroughly enjoyed Mitch Stokes biography of Isaac Newton in Thomas Nelson’s Christian Encounters series. An excerpt from that book is up …
Now That’s What Lessons are For
A friend knows that I generally take a dim view of church organs, and thought that this might make me change my mind.
Jim Wallis’ Moral Compass is Actually a Weather Vane
A lot of post mortems everywhere. Here is a good one.