In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, amen. At the beginning of the history of our race, the Lord gave us dominion over all the creatures. He told us that they were our responsibility, and this cultural mandate has never been revoked. Not only has it not been revoked, but in the …
Eddie and Carrie
The book of Genesis, the book of beginnings, repays repeated visits. In this book we see, obviously, the beginning of the heavens and earth. But we also see the beginning of God’s ways with man—in His covenant dealings, in His establishment of work and vocation, and in His creation of marriage. But when God creates …
Blake and Peggy
We worship and serve the triune God of Scripture, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Our triune God is one God, and everlastingly the same. Our God is three Persons and constantly, surprisingly, different. God is without shadow or variation due to change. But at the same time, the Father is not the Son, and the …
Michael and Rachel
One time the Pharisees came to Jesus in order to test Him, and they made that attempt in a question about marriage and divorce. Is it lawful, they asked, for a man to put away his wife “for every cause”? Christ replied in the negative, as we know, but I would like to draw your …
Jess and Natali
The Scriptures are full of metaphors that describe the glory of fulfilled longing. That longing, the kind of thing that is frequently no fun at all, is nevertheless the basis for one of the deepest kinds of joy. One illustration used for fulfilled longing is the imagery of “return from exile.” Psalm 126 puts it …
Joel and Christine
As we should all know, we are now, right his minute, in the middle of a ritual. In one sense, everyone here knows and understands what it all means, and that’s why we came, but in another important sense, no one here understands the full ramifications of this. Rituals are amazing in their depth, and …
Michael and Kathryn
In the psalm just read we have a description of a royal wedding. And of course a royal wedding would be quite the affair—impressive any way you might consider it. But we have to learn to see this as a covenant psalm, meaning that it encompasses more than just the royal couple described. We can …
Keith and Nellie
In Psalm 45, the psalmist declares that he will write down a good thing. Scripture tells us that he who finds a wife finds a good thing, and in this passage of Scripture we find that marriage itself, marriage generally, is considered a good thing. But too often conservative Christians have assumed that a good …
Cory and Katie
Cory and Katie, I am giving this exhortation to both of you as a minister of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I am doing so in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. May our triune God seal these words in your hearts as He knits you together throughout the course of your …
Taylor and Beth
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, welcome. In the kind name of the Lord Jesus Christ, welcome. In the communion of all the saints who love the Lord Jesus, welcome. As befits a Christian wedding, we have begun in the name of our triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But this …