I think it would be appropriate to ask you to consider this post as a combination of testimony, confession, record of theological emergence, and story, as in, the rest of the story. Well, actually some of the rest of the story. Not surprisingly, many of the milestones in my life are most easily marked by …
Thanks in a Bundle
The Desiring God 2009 conference ended yesterday, and last night a special roundtable discussion on eschatology was held at Bethlehem Baptist. The whole time has been wonderful, and I wanted to state publicly what a privilege it was to be invited to participate, and I wanted to thank John Piper in particular. As you might …
Prayer Breakfast Judeo Christians
So let me tell you about a fun thing. A few weeks ago, Garry Trudeau ran a few strips in Doonesbury sending up “The Family,” of C Street fame — a group of Washington insiders running a ministry to politicians. As a faithful Doonesbury reader unacquainted with whatever scandal he was referring to, I thought …
Collision Release
As promised, here is the basic info on the release of Collision. There will be a limited theatrical release in New York City and Los Angeles in late October, 2009. There will be a big publicity push around this, but we would still like you to tell all your atheist friends. They all live in …
Black Douglas
The Desiring God folks have some video clips up promoting their national conference, and you can look at them here. The first is John Piper explaining, when he first had the thought of inviting me, why he didn’t lie down with a cold compress on his forehead until the feeling went away. In the second …
For They Do Gender Strife
After sub school, I spent about a year and a half on the USS Tusk, a vintage submarine of the WW2 type. I think it was commissioned the year after the war, but it was that kind of critter. I was just eighteen, full of beans, and had come from a family that placed a …
More Than Usual About CT
I got back late the night before last from the Christian Book Expo in Dallas, where I was participating on a panel that included Christopher Hitchens. Christopher was in fine fettle, and the panel discussion was vigorous — that event should be up on the web at some point. I will point you there as …
Calvin 500
I was pleased and honored to be invited to speak for the national Desiring God conference to be held next fall. I understand that registrations for that conference are now open here. It looks to be about as much fun as Calvinists are allowed by their critics to have. Here is the lineup of speakers: …
Is This the Prayer Request Equivalent of a Bogus 911 Call?
Nancy and I are enjoying the great privilege this weekend of visiting with the good folks at Christ the Word in Toledo, Ohio. Christ the Word is where David Bayly ministers — and what a gathering of warm-hearted Christians. I will be preaching for them on the Lord’s Day, and Nancy is speaking for their …
1975 Was a Good Year
Nancy posted this picture of our wedding on her blog, along with an account of the proceedings. This was thirty-three years ago today, and I continue to be as grateful as a man is allowed to get. I got married at the tender age of 22, and have been married, therefore, for sixty percent of …