Thanks in a Bundle

The Desiring God 2009 conference ended yesterday, and last night a special roundtable discussion on eschatology was held at Bethlehem Baptist. The whole time has been wonderful, and I wanted to state publicly what a privilege it was to be invited to participate, and I wanted to thank John Piper in particular. As you might …

Prayer Breakfast Judeo Christians

So let me tell you about a fun thing. A few weeks ago, Garry Trudeau ran a few strips in Doonesbury sending up “The Family,” of C Street fame — a group of Washington insiders running a ministry to politicians. As a faithful Doonesbury reader unacquainted with whatever scandal he was referring to, I thought …

Is This the Prayer Request Equivalent of a Bogus 911 Call?

Nancy and I are enjoying the great privilege this weekend of visiting with the good folks at Christ the Word in Toledo, Ohio. Christ the Word is where David Bayly ministers — and what a gathering of warm-hearted Christians. I will be preaching for them on the Lord’s Day, and Nancy is speaking for their …