Let me begin by inviting the uninterested to just skip this one, a post on one particular backwater eddy in the swamp that has become the Moscow Everglades. At the same time, some may be interested in this feature of our ongoing “rage for diversity” campaign because it is part of the reason that some …
Water Still Runs Downhill
There have been no postings here for the last week or so because I was off to a family reunion (where we had a wonderful time). We were just outside of Zion National Park in southern Utah, a place of stark and majestic grandeur. At night the sky was so full of stars you could …
Snippets of the Blues
Nancy and I have arrived in Memphis for the ACCS conference this week, and I have somehow managed to get Internet access in our room. If I have a chance, I hope to post some things from this vantage in lovely Tennessee, just a half a mile from the Mississippi Bridge. Lord willing, and the …
Some Thinking to Do
Before I graduated from Pioneer High School in Ann Arbor, I enlisted in the Navy on a delayed entry program. I had grown up in Annapolis and the idea of doing anything but joining the Navy had (I think) never occurred to me. So my parents moved from Ann Arbor to Moscow, Idaho, and I …
Killing Ants With a Baseball Bat
Some might be tempted to use the word over-reaction with regard to my interactions with Terry Morin in this space. And I agree that too much more of this would make that a warranted reaction. Now that the subject is thoroughly ventilated, there is no need to keep going over the same ground. Those who …
Quite Festive
Yesterday was something of a circus maximus. For those of you following all this (and there are quite a few), I have been trying to arrange a meeting with Terry Morin for over two years now. When he recently decided to post his affidavits on his web site, I decided that it was finally time …
At Least I Now Know How to Spell “Affidavit”
One of the common assumptions made by some of my adversaries is that I have been very reluctant to talk about certain incidents/controversies in the past (as I certainly have been). But they then go on to assume that the reason for this reluctance is that I am interested in covering stuff up, for I …
A Quick Follow Up
This last weekend I wrote a detailed account of the disruption in our church that happened after I came to paedobaptist convictions. When I wrote this, I did not have certain documents with me, thus preventing me from quoting from those documents verbatim. That deficiency has been remedied, and so I would like to follow …
A Proposal Only
A few weeks ago, I told the story of how I became a paedobaptist. I need to develop one portion of that story just a little further for several reasons. The first reason is that it is just plain interesting. The second reason is that certain details from that story have gotten swept up into …
Boethius Counting His Toes
It appears that I should tell a story. Whenever I refer to the salient facts in this story, one of the things my adversaries like to do is accuse me of “whining,” so let me begin there, with a high-minded denial. I embark as narrator of this fascinating story, not as one who whines, but …