This fun little number is my choice for this month’s selection. I had a blast reading it, will make just a few general comments about it, and then leave you to your own devices. First, for those of you who are not dispensationalist, as I am not, will notice that certain dispensational forms of expression …
Cadenced Wisdom
There are a handful of books which, once I am done reading them, I start right over again at the beginning. They are in what might be called my “perpetual stack.” Then in that stack are some “perpetual writers,” defined as those authors I want always to be reading something from — e.g. G.K Chesterton, …
In Case You Missed It . . .
It was in the course of this last year that I began doing a book-of-the-month review in the hope that you would link on one or more of the links, and find yourself in the realms of edification and uplift. In case you missed them first time around, here is a round-up. I started in …
Book of the Month/January 2013
I like and respect Al Mohler a lot, and am happy to report that this book, The Conviction to Lead, was in no way a disappointment. I went in with my expectations high, and was not let down. That’s always a plus. There are certain kinds of books that I try to graze in regularly, …
Book of the Month/December 2012
The Truth About Organic Foods was a tasty, soul-satisfying book — sweet and savory both. The author, Alex Avery, does not attack organic food as such, but what he does critique, devastatingly, is the pretension that wafts over the whole organic movement. If you like how organic tastes — as Avery himself sometimes does — …
Book of the Month/November 2012
I have read many books on preaching, and this one (The Imperative of Preaching) is now right up at the top of the list. One of the reasons it is up there is that it addresses essential topics that I just don’t see being effectively addressed elsewhere. I’ll explain that in a minute. Here is …
Book of the Month/October 2012
This is a superb little book, one that addresses a screaming need with clarity, while at the same time avoiding a simplistic 1,2,3 triteness. The theme of the book, as the title suggests, is that provocative little phrase from the Westminister Confession which says this: “The whole counsel of God concerning all things necessary for …
Book of the Month/September 2012
This is a book for everyone who has been in a conflict, is now in a conflict, or will be in a conflict. Which is to say, everybody. I appreciate Alexander Strauch very much. This is because he sticks close to the text, which means that you are bound to learn a great deal, even …
Book of the Month/August 2012
This month’s book selection is part of a larger series, and if this first one that I read is anything to go on, I want to commend the whole series. The series is new from Crossway, edited by David Dockery, and is entitled “Reclaiming the Christian Intellectual Tradition.” The book I read is by Gene …
Book of the Month/July 2012
This book, From the Garden to the City, is a fantastic treatment, developing a biblical response to technology, and it does so by laying out basic foundational principles. This is not a methods book; this is a book of basic principles. The basic reason this book is so good is that Dyer walks a tightrope …