Our heavenly Father, You are the God of both the wine and the wineskins. You order our affairs in ways that astonish us, and we are sometimes tempted to think that You have forgotten what You ought to be doing. Your wisdom transcends ours. Your thoughts are not our thoughts. Your ways are not our …
The God Who Dwells With Us
Our gracious Father and only-wise God, You have made a way for us to approach You through the kind name of Jesus Christ our Lord. We worship You now in and through Him, confident that You will receive our worship because we come to You through Christ the Lord Through Your Son, You are Immanuel, …
Never Alone
Our Father and God, You are never alone, never lonely, never solitary. Your dwelling place is no distant wilderness retreat; You have no hermitage, no mountain fortress. Before the heavens and earth were made, there was no lack of fullness in You. All creation is the surplus of a glorious infinitude, a surplus of gratuitous …