I believe that this next interaction with Greenbaggins promises to be pretty helpful. He is still critiquing the tenth chapter of RINE. “In other words, for Wilson, the objective nature of baptism means that all people who are baptized come into the same relationship to the covenant, in this sense: that they are all under …
Westminster Sacerdotalism
I said that I was going to try to get caught up with Greenbaggins’ review of RINE, and here is the next payment on that particular debt. In his review of my tenth chapter, Lane says that my criticism of Warfield is based on a confusion of sacerdotalism and sacramentalism. “Sacerdotalism,” he says, “has to …
Walk Like a Ninja
Greenbaggins continues to review my book “Reformed” Is Not Enough, and he does so here. He begins this post by asking where I have been hiding. I sent an email to Douglas Wilson asking if he is desirous of continuing the debate. I believe that since June 28th, which was the first post on the …
Apropos of Nothing
In the tension-filled room full of systematic theologians and biblical theologians, it is perilously easy to juxtapose “timeless truths” to “story.” But this is not necessary, and this is another plea to all get along. It should go without saying that I affirm what the Reformed systematicians have distilled out behind their magisterial barn. And …
Plug and Chug Legalism?
Kevin Johnson quotes from an article in the most recent Credenda, and admonishes me for something I didn’t say in it. “Correspondingly, the Reformation was first about our repentance and embracing of Christ something which Wilson never mentions in this article. This was curious on two counts. First, it should be possible to write an …
Chesterton Down the Highway
Greenbaggins has reviewed some commentaries here, among them Peter Leithart’s new commentary on Kings. Apart from demonstrating that he is a young man in a hurry — he expresses his disappointment with the commentary without having read it, on the basis of the bibliography alone — he also misses an important aspect of theological development …
Some Outdented Comments
Let me begin by saying that I respect Tim and David Bayly highly. They are on the other side of this FV thing, but I have greatly appreciated the integrity they have shown in this controversy, and nothing said here should be taken as indicating a desire to do any harm to our friendship. Over …
Orthodox Joe
Greenbaggins is continuing our discussion, and this exchange revolves around two basic questions. The first has to do with my examination by the CREC presbytery (in 2004, before we divided into two presbyteries). Lane asks if the CREC has any TRs in it, and if they were invited to participate in the exam. And pressing …
Reformed Catholicity
In the thread of a recent post, the question of sectarianism and the CREC was raised, and I thought I needed to make just a few comments about it. This is one of those issues where context matters a great deal. I became a paedobaptist in 1993, and this happened in a church with some …
Far Worse Than a Stacked Study Committee
I did not see the video feed on the floor debate at the PCA General Assembly, but I understand that R.C. Sproul Sr. argued there that putting FV guys on the study commission would be akin to putting the defendant on the jury. Okay, so let’s take that as our model of what the proceedings …