Bob Mattes, one of the members of the PCA committee, has written his only Wilson post. He is limiting himself to just one because I am not in the PCA. In his post he makes four basic points. One is that I created the CREC in my own theonomic image rather than join a denomination …
As Stacked As . . .
Since a volunteer competition is breaking out already, let’s put them all in one place. I may have missed some in the gathering, and so if I did just add them again in the comments section. And if any new ones occur to you, please add them as well. I think we could have at …
Greasing the Skids with an Holy Unction
Greenbaggins has raised the spilt milk issue, and is wondering whether my repeated raising of the stacked committee issue is worthwhile, now that the vote has gone down. But before I answer this, now that we are on the subject again, let me just say that the committee was as stacked as a Campbell soup …
The Rev. Rick James
Just so you know . . . In any controversy, it is always easy to move on to the next thing. And the next thing can be the next argument, the next bone of contention, the next chapter, the next dust up, the next round, and so on. When this happens, all the participants move …
Like Some Blonde in a Tight Dress
Three quick responses to the latest at Greenbaggins. The first is that when I denied the equal ultimacy of gospel and law, Lane responded with this: One important point here is the relationship of law and grace in the mind of God. Wilson says that he doesn’t buy the equal ultimacy of law and grace. …
No Appeal to Scripture
My (hopefully helpful) interactions with Greenbaggins continue apace. This segment includes his response to a recent post of mine (on Eck’s argument against Luther), as well as our continued interaction as he works his way through my book, “Reformed” Is Not Enough. This should not have to be too long a post because I think …
Contra Mundum?
Contra mundum is a nice slogan if you can get it. I have been watching some of the internet discussion in the aftermath of the PCA decision at GA, and I decided I needed to say a little something about the following argument: “All these venerable alphabet combinations have condemned the Federal Vision — URC, …
Gold is Heavy, and Hard to Carry
By now all those who have been following the Federal Vision situation in the PCA will have heard that the General Assembly of the PCA approved the report by the study committee. That was not what we were praying for, and so I thought I needed to make just a couple of brief comments here. …
PCA at the Crossroads
Please be praying for the PCA. This afternoon they will be considering the Federal Vision issue. Or, more accurately, they will be considering what some people deem to be the Federal Vision issue. Unfortunately, depending on the outcome, there are accurate names connected to inaccurate summaries of doctrine, and so this really is a crossroads …
A Career Move?
I just got an email from my son-in-law Ben, to whom the credit for this insight belongs. He was responding to the current PCA embarrassment and, here . . . let him talk. I was thinking about how for the last generation the thing that has always been presbyterianism’s real strength has been its intellectualism. …