Why Wouldn’t We Quote Him?

In a comments thread over at Greenbaggins, Jason Stellman says this: “And lastly, I do find it interesting that I can’t seem to ellicit a response from a Federal Visionist that doesn’t mention Scott Clark. If you all insist on complaining about being lumped together (which sometime you unfairly are), then you should stop doing …

RC Sr. Denies the Gospel

I am listening to the August message of the month from Ligonier, where RC Sr. is talking about the Noahic covenant. Imagine how I felt when I heard him say that the distinction between the “covenant of works” and the “covenant of grace” was somewhat “artificial” and even “superficial.” Imagine further how I felt when …

Greenbaggins Does Too Take an Exception

Under the heading of “No Exceptions,” Lane has responded to my last post this way: I do not take any exceptions to the Westminster Confession of Faith. Wilson conveniently forgot to mention WCF 28.5, when he argues that I need to take an exception to the Standards: ‘Although it be a great sin to contemn …

Greenbaggins Takes an Exception

And in his latest response to my response, Lane says this in the course of his continued discussion of Warfield. “Regeneration can happen before baptism, during baptism, or after baptism. Therefore, it is not dependent on baptism.” This really gets at the crux of the matter between us, and it illustrates why I believe that …