Why Historical Theology is Such a Nuisance

Here are few comments from Calvin’s pastor, Martin Bucer. Hold on to your hats. HT: Steven Wedgeworth “We confess and teach that holy baptism, when given and received according to the Lord’s command, is in the case of adults and of young children truly a baptism of regeneration and renewal in the Holy Spirit, whereby …

Call It a Shadow Ordo

The Westminster Standards say that non-elect covenant members partake of “common operations of the Spirit.” Calvin consistently speaks of general election and special election. Now when some in the FV have used ordo words like regeneration and applied them to those who are not of the special elect, the response from the FV critics has …

So Confusing. I Don”t Want to Pay Attention to the Adjectives.

A friend brought our attention to Calvin’s commentary on Acts 3:25, where he says, “And so, although the common election be not effectual in all, yet may it set open a gate for the special elect.” The rot is spreading. Somebody needs to bring charges, and soon. What would the charge be exactly? Well, it …