In A Clinch With the Tarbaby

Bob Mattes continues to try to explain this thing. We are (possibly) coming up on the first actual trial in this mess, which we will have if Louisiana Presbytery pleads “not guilty.” But Louisiana Presbytery will head into that trial with the body trying her already holding to a “strong presumption of guilt.” Let’s put …

Standing Google Commission

Let me begin this by noting that I am a six-day creationist, so nothing in this comparison should be taken further than a simple illustration. In the Scopes monkey trial, the State of Tennessee won, and the creationist position was upheld. But the creationists had the misfortune to have H.L. Mencken in attendance, filing regular …

The Law/Gospel Study Bible, Coming Soon

My apologies to Green Baggins for not getting to his latest installment on RINE more promptitudinously. Things have been busy — ministerial conference, presbytery, and a writing deadline all conspired to reinforce the dictum that obligations are like grapes. They come in bunches. Lane reviewed two chapters together (17 and 18), and he didn’t really …