Bob Mattes continues to try to explain this thing. We are (possibly) coming up on the first actual trial in this mess, which we will have if Louisiana Presbytery pleads “not guilty.” But Louisiana Presbytery will head into that trial with the body trying her already holding to a “strong presumption of guilt.” Let’s put …
Standing Google Commission
Let me begin this by noting that I am a six-day creationist, so nothing in this comparison should be taken further than a simple illustration. In the Scopes monkey trial, the State of Tennessee won, and the creationist position was upheld. But the creationists had the misfortune to have H.L. Mencken in attendance, filing regular …
Down in our Hearts!
This is a comment I made over at Green Baggins: And I claim no special knowledge of things BCO. What I do claim to know is that Steve Wilkins is a minister in good standing in the PCA, and hence his bad standing in the PCA cannot justly be used against Louisiana Presbytery. That doesn’t …
As Presbyterian As Britney Spears
I tried to make this point in the comments section over at Green Baggins, but it got lost somewhere in cyberville. So I’ll just amplify it, and make the point here. There is a very deft move being made in the strategy against Louisiana Presbytery, and I would like everyone to be looking at it …
Limbo Off To Limbo?
Check out Tim Bayly on how Rome is positioning itself to send Limbo off to Limbo. Right near the end of this fun article, Tim asks this question of the FV: Remembering that the Federal Vision is “all about the children,” I’d like to see F-V proponents critically engage the Commission’s report. For instance, would …
Crucified Law
Green Baggins has moved on to Chapter 20 of RINE, in which I argue that the law of God was crucified in the death of Jesus, and raised to life again. Lane does not appear to have a problem with the chapter at large, but is not convinced by my handling of Colossians 2:13-17. He …
Truth Is Wine
Green Baggins liked my chapter on blessings and curses (in the main), but wanted me to clarify something, which I am happy to do. Incidentally, I was blessed by Lane’s last paragraph, where he summarized my position in a way I would be happy to own. May the Lord hasten the day where we see …
Wilkins the Newt
Let’s make this simple to understand, shall we? Just want to look at the structure of the thing. 1. An accusation was circulated in the PCA, claiming that Steve Wilkins is a newt; 2. The Louisiana Presbytery, understandably concerned, met with him a couple times and determined that in their judgment he was in fact …
Gentiles Under the Law
In my most recent post responding to Green Baggins’ review of my book, I briefly discussed my understanding of law and gospel. As a result of that, a discussion broke out in the comments section of my blog here, and so I want to follow up on a couple of things that came to mind. …
The Law/Gospel Study Bible, Coming Soon
My apologies to Green Baggins for not getting to his latest installment on RINE more promptitudinously. Things have been busy — ministerial conference, presbytery, and a writing deadline all conspired to reinforce the dictum that obligations are like grapes. They come in bunches. Lane reviewed two chapters together (17 and 18), and he didn’t really …