Green Baggins is on to the next chapter of RINE, the one on heretics and heresy. He begins by acknowledging that individualism is a bad deal, but distinguished individualism from the obvious fact that we all go to heaven or hell, as I have noted elsewhere, by ones. Lane wonders if we in the FV …
By Their Fruit You Shall Know
Tim and David Bayly said some very nice things about their visit here over on their blog. That resulted in some interesting discussion in the comments thread, to which I simply want to add a couple of comments. It would obviously not be appropriate for me to add something like “yes, we really are wonderful, …
Hope I Remember to Say That
I am glad that Green Baggins is feeling a little less green at the gills, and has returned to the fray. He responded to my post on the nature of apostasy by suggesting that I am committing the fallacy of composition. If sodium is a poison, and it is, and chloride is a poison, then …
What Would Hodge Do?
The Federal Vision controversy has had no shortage of examples of plain old doctrinal confusion, straight up the middle. A good example of that can be found here. But my point is not so much as to take issue with the characterization there of FV thought as Arminian. As I have pointed out elsewhere, this …
Saving Faith Shivers at the Spectacle
Green Baggins has resumed his treatment of my book, “Reformed” Is Not Enough, and so we come now to the chapter on apostasy. But before we get to that, Lane addresses a question I raised earlier about the difference between a corrupt church and an apostate church. As Lane puts it, “The question, then, is …
Get ‘Em Before the Controversy Blows Over!
The special edition of Credenda on the Federal Vision is now out and should be in your mailbox any minute, if you haven’t already taken it out. We knew there would be a great deal of interest in this one, and so we took the liberty of printing up some extras. They are now available …
De Regno Christi
I am happy to refer you all over to De Regno Christi, which is hosting a discussion of the Federal Vision, starting today. Many thanks to them for the privilege of participating in that discussion.
Bellwether Worship
A friend once commented to me, echoing Wolterstorff, that there are three currents in the Reformed river. First, there are the pietists, to whom personal conversion and resultant personal devotion is everything. And then there are the doctrinalists, to whom precise doctrinal conformity to the Canons of Whatsitburg are everything. The third group is the Kuyperian, …
A Constant God
This post does not need to be an extended response to Green Baggins. He largely agreed with the chapter in RINE on assurance of salvation, and had just a couple questions or concerns. The first was his response to my statement that we should not try to “peer into the secret counsels of God, or …
No Covenant Children
Just a brief comment here, building off the discussion of my Frank Turk post. Frank said this: “But Dr. Clark baptizes babies for the sake of adding them to the church. Just because he doesn’t add them to the church in practice doesn’t mean he’s not doing it in theory, does it?” There is a …