One of the stranger things about Andy Webb’s history of the FV business in Louisiana was his assertion (twice) that it was not possible for charges to originate from within the presbytery. Apparently Andy has now said that Louisiana “refused to allow charges” when a motion was made in 2002 (and was defeated) to begin …
A Good Answer
Finally got a good answer to one of my questions here. In the past the SJC has interpreted the “strong presumption of guilt” as nothing more than “probable cause.” This is simply the threshold for indictment, before prosecution can begin. But as the SJC noted, once the trial starts, the burden of proof rests entirely …
Andy Webb Explains
Andy Webb recently answered the question of an OPC pastor who asked why my procedural concerns about this PCA mess were being dismissed. “I thought his questioning of basic fairness and burden of proof were troubling and would welcome meaningful interaction with them rather than personal attacks and name-calling.” Yeah, I agree with that. In …
Conflict with Christians
The latest round of slander against us has come up with a new one, or at least an old one expressed in a new way. This slander is the argument for the necessity of anonymity, for if our local critics identified themselves, so the thinking goes, we would send some deacons around to bust their …
Questions for Louisiana
Just a couple of brief comments. The last week has been revelatory on the Louisiana Presbytery front, to put it mildly. Now I can ask for clarifications all I want, and am unlikely to get them from any official source. Why should I? I am not a player in this, but I am a commentator. …
The Ward Churchill Wing of FV Criticism
I want us to keep our eye on the ball, which is the upcoming trial of Louisiana Presbytery before the Standing Judicial Commission. I have been writing about my deep concerns that the desire of some in the PCA to get at Steve Wilkins is so profound that they are willing to take out a …
Mudgobbing and Deadcatting
I am not going to spend a great of time today answering this — it is Thanksgiving after all — but I thought I should let you know about it, and make two quick observations. First, our FV critics are so bent on pursuing their particular “defense of the gospel” that they are willing to …
A Whole Lot Creepier Than I Remember It
Okay, I want to go up the stairs one at a time here. Discussion of the ins and outs of this is continuing over here, for those who are interested. Let’s begin with first principles — the basic one being the presumption of innocence for the accused. This is not some secular American ideal that …
Let Me Think About It, No
A couple notes. First, please allow me to review what is actually being done to Louisiana Presbytery, all for the sake of getting at Steve Wilkins. And second, I want to explain what I am doing about it here and why. In doing this I am not giving anything away, because for those with a …
Gorgonzola Cheese
Bill Lyle, a member of the Standing Judicial Commission, has posted a comment over at Green Bagginses. Go here, and read comment #8. I read through this comment with great interest. While he doesn’t put the thing quite as starkly as Bob Mattes does, the result is still judicially outrageous. He says: “It will be …