David Gadbois argues here that FV proponents hold that infant baptism is normative, and somehow marginalize those baptisms which are performed on the basis of a profession of faith. In this course of this argument, he quotes Pastor Bordow, who put it this way: “If you look for a credible profession before baptizing, aren’t you …
Temporary Justification
In the discussion of my previous Auburn Avenue post, one commenter asked what Reformed group has ever allowed for notions of temporary regeneration or justification. An outstanding answer to that question can be found here. Note carefully the three reasons that the English divines gave to the good gentlemen at Dort for their appeal, and …
The Demands of the System
Andy Webb tries to take us to task, but it doesn’t come out very well. He says: “There are so many non-Reformed doctrines floating around in the FV that one hardly knows where to begin addressing them. But the idea that everyone in the covenant is ‘saved in some sense’ regardless of whether they are …
Imagination Rules the World
As critics are rummaging around, trying to find something that works, you have to expect the occasional novelties. The most recent one is that I am a theological liberal, akin to those who were resisted by Machen back in the day. This argument is made by Pastor Todd Bordow (OPC). He does this while granting …
Mooning the Ref
These are not talking points. These are just remember points. You don’t have to say anything, or “talk” to anybody about them. All you have to do is remember these things as you watch the unfolding saga continue. For ease of remembrance, I have just listed ten of them. 1. To keep things simple, the …
All Wolves, All the Time
I just now have gotten an opportunity to respond to Andy Webb’s “nuclear” response on the SJC process. His response was two-fold, the first being an explanation why charges did not originate against Wilkins from within the Louisiana Presbytery. Andy said this: “The majority in the presbytery had already shown its hostility to such requests, …
Loving the Truth
It is difficult for me to express how grateful I am to the Bayly brothers for their continued refusal to play the petty game of ecclesiastical politics. The only thing I am worried about for them is the possibility that they will fall between two stools. Their insistence that the Reformed church debate these FV …
Now That I Have Your Attention . . .
Among those observing the unfolding drama surrounding Louisiana Presbytery and Steve Wilkins, there may be more than a few stats-monkeys who are interested in the following. Over the course of this last month, this blog has had 13,590 different visitors, that many different people. When I look at what these people have been interested in, what pages …
John Robbins’ Dog
Jeff Hutchinson has posted something on my “dead rat” post here, and in the course of his post, he identifies himself as the dead rat I was referring to. “To him, I am the dead rat behind the fridge . . .” Jeff also turned the comments off, so I need to correct some things …
Dead Rat Behind the Fridge
When Dan Rather put out his report on George Bush’s National Guard service during the Vietnam War, within hours, bloggers had shown that the evidence he was relying on was fabricated. When politicians try to pull their old-style political tricks, within minutes someone somewhere has exposed the thing. The most recent example of this was …