Auburn Avenue Presbyterian Church has made a statement on why they made the decision to leave the PCA. You can read that statement here. Since they have been adopted as a mission church of Grace Covenant Church in Nacogdoches, TX (CREC), that church also issued a statement which you can find here.
Some Important News
Yesterday the congregation of Auburn Avenue Presbyterian Church voted (without dissent) to leave the PCA. They also voted to have Steve Wilkins continue as their pastor, and to approach the CREC for membership. They have been adopted as a mission church of Grace Covenant Church in Nacogdoches, Texas, pastored by Randy Booth. Steve was a …
The Game Show’s Brand New Season
There is a dust-up in progress at Westminster Seminary East. There are three basic issues involved, and I happen to be in a position to speak to two of them. The first would be the speaking habits of Westminster president Peter Lillback, the second would be reaction to Peter Enns’ book Inspiration and Incarnation, and …
An Anarchic Personality
You know you have hit a real nerve — without necessarily knowing which nerve — when nonbelievers take a deep and abiding interest in the arcane intramural disputes among conservative Presbyterians. But here we are. Nick Gier, who has been one of the chief voices in our local disturbances here in Moscow, has been writing …
God’s Palimpsest
Let’s begin with the basic reason why it is so important to understand what the ground of our justification is — the early Reformers insisted on this (rightly) in the Pauline spirit of preventing any man from boasting about his salvation, which sinful men always want to do. The point was not that we had …
Hearing the Click
In the midst of some very kind comments about my visit to Mississippi, Steven Wedgeworth said this: “This was clearly the case on imputation. He kept proposing that the imputation of Christ’s active obedience was equivalent with recapitulation. Jesus is the new Israel, so there ya go. While I can see some of this, I …
Calvinism Under Jove
Reformation Calvinism was born under Jove. It flourishes under Jove, and is spiritually healthy there. But for the last several centuries (at least) it has come under the baneful influence of Saturn. For those who dismiss my “pagan tomfoolery” — planetary influences and theology indeed — with a sneer and say that they want a …
Louisiana Indictment
The indictment of Louisiana Presbytery by the Standing Judicial Commission has now been made public, although I don’t know where it is on the Net. As soon as I do, I will link to it. The portion that was emailed to me is almost as interesting as a caucus in Iowa. In it, there were …
Anti-FV Espionage
Well, okay, it now looks like I need to offer a brief comment on the FV critics’ espionage network. Here’s the deal. Jim Jordan is the main dude at a ministry called Biblical Horizons. That ministry includes a private list discussion group, to which I belong. The list requirements concerning confidentiality are quite strict — …
Some Agreement In Spite of Ourselves
Andy Webb has responded to my Demands of the System post here. In his handling of John 15, I actually appreciated and agreed with much of what he had to say, so this response might possibly bring some closure to this line of the argument. Just two crucial points. First, Andy thinks that I was …