Green Baggins is nearing the end of his chapter by chapter review of “Reformed” Is Not Enough, and thus far I think it is fair to say that he has not found anything that would place me outside the pale of Reformed orthodoxy as he defines it. He has found multiple places where he think …
By Faith, Not By Sight
Greeen Baggins has picked up the thread again, and so shall I. There is not a lot to talk about here, but rather just a few questions to answer. Lane gives three basic ways to take the “I am righteous” language of the psalter. One is say that the psalmist is not claiming a perfect …
This Will Happen to Us Too
I was reading this morning in Luther’s Table Talk, and came across an insight that is more than a little relevant to some of our confessional and dogmatic controversies. When someone had proposed the collected works of Luther, he said this (the emphasis is mine): “I’d like all my books to be destroyed so that …
Catholicity and Fundamentalism
There is quite an interesting post, and follow-up discussion, to be found here. Tim Bayly defines the sine qua non of fundamentalism as a willingness to fight in order to defend the faith once delivered. There is a good fundamentalism that acquired a bad name through its faithfulness. “There’s another sense, though, that hearkens back …
Like Drowning in a Cauldron of Hot Butterscotch
A PCA pastor named Dewey Roberts has recently taken me to task for what I have written about the SJC — or, as he put it, my “campaign of ‘disinformation’ against the PCA and the SJC.” He has thrown down the gauntlet, and I think that when you read how he has phrased things it …
Merit or Obedience?
Green Baggins makes reference to something I wrote in RINE (p. 174), while talking about the justification of Jesus. The fact that Jesus was justified is seen in this great passage from Timothy. “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, …
The Horse’s Mouth
Steve Wilkins and Duane Garner are now blogging. Good deal.
News Flash
News flash — Sam Duncan, the prosecutor for the Auburn Avenue business, stated on the floor of the Louisiana Presbytery that no one from LAP could expect to get a fair trial before the SJC. This astonishing comment has been commented on in different places. Jeff Meyers has this, and Lane posted an explanation after …
What A Fine Boy!
I somehow missed Green Baggins’ treatment of the first part of my chapter on justification. Again, there is not much to say because there is so much agreement. I am tempted to say that had there been no unnecessary controversy, there would be complete agreement. But, there you go. I quoted Randy Booth in order …
Calvinistic Synergy
Green Baggins has now resumed his review of my “Reformed” Is Not Enough, picking up where he left off. That, as it turns out, is with the second half of Chapter 21, on justification by faith. He discusses briefly –without really disagreeing — my illustrative point that justification and sanctification are definitionally related, but not …