Some Things Don’t Get Said

Lane’s next point concerns my statement of loyalty to my friends. “Fourthly, regarding Wilson’s loyalties. He states, ‘So my loyalties to my friends and felloow laborers in this reformational ministry have not budged, nor will they’ (pg. 4, 2nd column). This is really too bad. This means that Wilson will continue to stonewall for his …

Letting the Grease Cool Down

In this next section, I will quote Lane quoting me. “Secondly, a bit about the Golden Rule. Wilson states this: I have been misrepresented by FV critics time without number, and because I don’t want Schlissel or Lusk disavowing me for things I don’t really believe, I have no intention of doing it to them. …

The Halfway Covenant

Lane continues to interact with my book in his recent post on the relationship of a profession of faith with the half-way covenant. This is an issue that, in my view, requires some untangling. First, let me summarize was the half-way covenant actually did. The New England Puritans were paedobaptists, but they required a (high-bar) …