Stealing Ones and Zeroes

Once there was a pastor who preached a sermon on restitution and inexplicably left out any reference to electronic stealing—downloading music illegally, copying software, and all that. He was asked various questions about this after the message, and as a result he learned his lesson, and will never do that again. There’s the story part …

Ordination to Ministry

This morning, we will have an ordination of Douglas Jones to the ministry, right after our reading of Scripture. Doug has been an elder in our church for many years, and so this ordination calls for a little explanation. Our local church polity follows the pattern of Calvin’s Geneva, and is called the “four-office view.” …

The Chuckle of Faith

This is the last of our exhortations on civic involvement, at least for the present. And so, let me offer a series of final exhortations, as simple bullet points. Regardless of what happens, we do not win or lose at the polls. God is always sovereign, and His position is absolutely unthreatened. He establishes the …

The Servant Vote

The political process that we have in this country was greatly influenced by the Church in generations past, and it continues to be influenced by Christians today. But the influence we used to have and the influence we have today are very different. The whole idea of representative government was established in the Church long …