“A guilty conscience, such as our generation has, often tries to drown out consciousness in order not to be aware of the pain of guilt. Drugs, booze, and the pursuit of deadening pleasures of all sorts, the constant thump-thump music or the ubiquitous narcotic of television—all are ways to drown out the guilt of consciousness, …
Which Should Be Obvious
“In contrast, multiculturalism is tied to the position that all we have are different cultures without any borders surrounding them. That’s like saying that there are all kinds of lines on the chart, but there’s no paper” (Steve Schlissel, Christian Culture in a Multicultural Age, p. 101).
Cultures Are Always Loyal
“Culture always comes from religion . . . Culture always becomes a servant of the birthing religion, and its very raison d’etre is to protect, further explicate, and expand the influence and control of the mother religion . . . If you understand the relationship between religious belief and culture, you’ll understand clearly what’s happening …
Out in Public
“Culture, as we understand it, is not simply a matter of personal preferences, or likes and dislikes, but it is a matter of public preferences. The shared space is where we find culture, not in the private and personal space (although it extends there). How things are viewed that occur in the private space is …
The Un-Fukuyama
“These are not the last days of history, they are simply the last days of ungodly humanism” (Steve Schlissel, Christian Culture in a Multicultural Age, p. 23).
Church and Kingdom Distinct
“When we envision the kingdom of God on earth we are not envisioning everything under the authority of the church. We’re envisioning everything under the authority of King Jesus . . . Christ’s kingship is wider than His rule over the church” (Steve Schlissel, Christian Culture in a Multicultural Age, p. 8).
Hidden Under the Lights
“Faking of the words and pictures to fit the theme has been particularly prevalent in compilation programmes which purport to reconstruct out of stock footage some historical scene or happening . . . The accumulated documentation of our time will be so vast, and for one reason and another, so slated, that posterity will know …
With or Through?
“Has there ever been a more perfect instrument for seeing with rather than through the eye, than the camera?” (Malcolm Muggeridge, Christ and the Media, p. 62).
A TV Panel of Caterpillars
“So, let me add that Christianity is, and always has been, and always will be, not just essentially a religion of hope, but in itself, the most stupendous hope the world has ever known. Only Incarnate god would have dared to hold out to us all, mere men and women of every sort and condition, …
News As the Ephemeral Foundation of the Air Castle of All Media
“But, of course, the essential quest has been for news. This is the Unholy Grail, the ultimate fantasy on which the whole structure of the media is founded. Shouted down a telephone, tapped out on a teleprinter, carried breathlessly to the stone to catch the edition, beamed by satellite through the stratosphere, whispered confidentially in …