Lewis the Prophet

“‘Both, honey, both,’ said Miss Hardcastle. ‘Don’t you understand anything? Isn’t it absolutely essential to keep a fierce Left and a fierce Right, both on their toes and each terrified of the other? That’s how we get things done . . . Of course we’re non-political. The real power always is.'” (That Hideous Strength, p. …

Partisanship: The New Funding Model of Journalism

The shift occurred quietly (well, relatively quietly) and without a lot of fanfare. I used to read the newspaper regularly, faithfully, on almost a daily basis, for many, many years. And then one day I found that I wasn’t doing that anymore, and I didn’t need to subscribe to any papers, and I was just …

The Bear Went Over the Mountain

Okay, so today is tax day, and it is time for a little pep talk. Our government is going what governments do best, which is being greedy, grasping, voracious, irresponsible, idiotic, and shrewd. The people on the receiving end of this are doing what they do best, which is complain about it without doing anything …

Not Going to Run Out

Now I have outlined in a previous post the fact that incentives are inescapable. It is not whether finite creatures will have them, but which incentives they will have. They will respond to various incentives according to their nature, according to the moral condition of their heart and head. You cannot lure a hungry horse …