God Is Who He Is

I am going to file this under Retractions, mostly because I don’t have a category called Complicated Retractions. This one has to do with the philosophical “schools of thought” called nominalism and realism. In brief, nominalism is the view that only particular things exist, with a general name (nomen) given to those particular things which …

Intergalactic Reptiles Had Nothing to Do With It

About three years ago I wrote an article entitled “Who You Gonna Believe? Me or Your Lying Eyes?” The article addressed the hyper-ness of all “connect-the-dots” conspiratorial thinking, along with my impression (I used the phrase “it seems plain to me”) that the New York 911 skyscrapers had been brought down by some form of …

More on the Psalm-Off

Okay, so here’s some clarification on the rules for the Psalm-Off. What we are looking for is contemporary arrangements and instrumentation that leave the lyrics whole and entire and the melody line basically intact. New arrangements of these melodies could alter rhythms or harmonies, but we would like it to be recognizably the same song …