“Fringe groups in American Christianity have for almost two centuries advocated dietary and hygienic practices designed to curb sin, and this is part of the mileu in which the current discussion must take place. It seems reasonable to many Americans to assume that God intended to teach Israel about diet, because diet and health are …
Let’s Fry Them Up in Crisco
Many years ago, when I was in a band, I came home one evening after a practice or a gig or something. I say this because I remember this incident vividly, and I was carrying my guitar. The kids were in bed, and Nancy met me at the door very worried about something. Our duplex …
Making the Spoon Taste Good
I have already noted that fussers over food are driven by father hunger. Other common motivations in this cluster of food confusions include guilt, fear, acceptance of manipulative doctrines, not to mention acceptance of slanders against the goodness of God. “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the …
Omnivorous Christianity
“It is not a serious matter for a physician to advise abstaining from foods for medical reasons, based on human wisdom. It is, however a very serious thing when men advocate abstaining from foods for religious reasons” (James Jordan, Pig Out?, p. 8).
Food Allergies or Food Phobia?
Here is a short statement or sketch on something that I hope to develop some more in the near future. I speak of the comparatively new and alarming trend in Christian circles toward the demonization of certain basic foods. I am not speaking of those who have genuine allergies, but rather to a larger, culture-wide …
Hot Providence
Below is a small piece I wrote for a Christ Church cookbook which, Lord wiling, will be out in the near future. Maybe by Trinity Fest. The name of the cookbook will be Hot Providence, and so stay tuned. In this short essay I advance the culinary argument for God’s existence, which Thomas Acquinas somehow …