To the Last Ditch

“When it comes to the ‘ecumenical question,’ we appear to have divided between two positions. The first says we should accept all kinds of heretical ‘Christians’ with all friendliness. The other says we should reject their heresies, along with their title to the name Christian. We have two positions. The first is that husbands cannot commit adultery, and the second is that adulterers are not husbands, and hence not adulterers. What never occurs to anyone is the duty of fighting our fellow Christians to the last ditch, as Athanasius did with Arius.”

The Cultural Mind, p. 247

Where the Gods Spring Forth

“The pagan hates the idea of creation because of the divine sovereignty that follows from it, but he loves the idea of morphing—rearranging stuff . . . In anti-Christian thought, matter is this eternally existent Play-Doh-type stuff that can be re-arranged creatively by other bits of stuff called artists or scientists. This is possible because the splendor is thought to be resident within the matter. The autonomous artist assumes he is the point on the surface of the chaos where the gods spring forth.”

The Cultural Mind, p. 238