“Not even God knows what is true. Remember that for postevangelicals, God is out of it and pretty groggy. True postmoderns know that He is dead, and that is why He does not view objective truth from His Nowhere House. But we in the postev milieu are still sensitively struggling away in the church, and …
Credenda Deadenda
“But in brief, there are only three possible types of responses to Kenneson. One could say that his statement that truth is irrelevant to Christians is true, thus demonstrating that he doesn’t get it. Or he could say that it is false, demonstrating that he still thinks the other side of the coin (truth) is …
“Rather, Kenneson wants to speak of truth for us. We hammer out the truth on the anvil of shared experience, we walk it out in the paths of communal trust, we flip the burgers of truth on the griddle of sharing” (Contours of Post Maturity, p. 63).
A Critical Spirit
“And when folks don’t want your religion the way it is, then change it! If totalizing metanarratives don’t cut it, then give them partializing mininarratives. If they don’t want to hear that Jesus died for sinners, then we are called, in a postmodern milieu, to tell them that He didn’t. Those who have a problem …
The Ice Cream Shop of Truth
“This book actually does provide us with a veritable Baskins & Robbins of apologetic methods. We have the standard old Arminian vanilla supplied by Craig, and the more reformational Rocky Road supplied by James Sire. But both these gentlemen, for all their strengths, are unduly attached to the traditional flavors, with their undue dependence upon …
The Good Girl of Evangelicalism
“This leaves our writers free to accomodate their theology to the contemporary horizon without becoming complete secularists. Unbelieving scholars can get their hands in our ecclesiastical blouse, but no farther! ‘Let us seek a way to revise classical theism in a dynamic direction without falling into process theology'” (Contours of Post Maturity, p. 50).
Wait Up Guys!
“‘Modern theology has witnessed a remarkable reexamination of the nature and attributes of God’ (p. 91). And whatever modernity does, even if it involves turning into postmodernity, we simply must imitate. And of course, modern theology does down the road pretty fast, giving our fat little evangelical thighs quite a workout keeping up! We need …
Plato Underfoot
“The classical theists are (and this takes us into deep waters again) to be blamed for fighting Hellenistic philosophy and also for not fighting it. It is not surprising that theological and philosophical chaos followed, ushering in the Dark Ages, or as we might say today, the Ages of Color. The medievalists of course capitulated …
Keeping Up
“This ‘open view’ is modern progressive theology; it is not supposed to make sense. The point is to go with the postmodernist flow, paddling the postevangelical canoe as hard as a respectable scholar may, trying to keep abreast of the latest developments in unbelieving theology” (Contours of Post Maturity, p. 32).
Bureaucratic Poetry
“The subject is worthwhile, because our authors are capable of changing rhetorical gears quite rapidly. Sometimes they write a turgid and purple sort of bureaucratic poetry, flowing across the page like rapidly cooling magma” (Contours of Post Maturity, p. 28).