Anatomy of Plagiarism

Introduction One of the things God expects us to do with His gifts is to turn a profit. We live as stewards of His bounty, and everything we have has been left to us in trust. When the master returns, he asks for a report from his servants. One made five talents off of five, …

For the Unreasonable

One of the most obvious and exquisite ironies in all this is that the particular webpage where our alleged plagiarism is documented has a homepage. That homepage has a bunch of places to go in order to get your tolerant juices flowing, and the seventh link down, inspirationally-placed, is Martin Luther King’s “I Have a …

For Reasonable People

The subsequent paragraphs are more extensive quotations from a letter to involved parties of some months ago. For those who are interested in what happened, they contain that explanation, as well as our attitude toward all this before our slander impresarios started this most recent campaign. At the same time, one place where Dr. __________ …