Introduction: In many ways, the ground appears to be shifting beneath our feet. We are not only alive in tumultuous times, we are alive in very strange times. Given how bizarre things have become, ...
The Challenge of Unethical Vaccines
Introduction: There are two basic discussions that swirl around the question of vaccination. One has to do with vaccines generally, and when it comes to this question I confess that I am not ...
Their Blood Sacrament
This post originally ran September 26, 2018. Of course everyone recognizes that the battle over the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh is a battle—all understand that there is a fight going on. And more than a few understand that the battle is over Roe. But this understanding is greater on the side of the secularists, their …
Boycotts, Both Theirs and Ours
Introduction: So as we are being treated to the spectacle of the South rising again, challenging the authority of the Feds again, and this time doing it when they have the manifest moral high ground, it is time to examine some of the secular freak-out reaction to it, not to mention some of our reactions …
Sweet Home
Alabama has done a wonderful thing in outlawing abortion. I want to commend her legislature and her governor for doing the right thing, and every thoughtful Christian should be humming under their breath: “in Birmingham they love the governor, we all did what we could do.” There will be many occasions in the months to …
What It Means to be Genuinely Pro-Life
Introduction: Those Christians who have spent much time in conservative Christian circles know that we are pro-life. That almost goes without saying. And we often have some of the basic arguments down, but we need to make sure that we have the true foundational issues down as well. That means, as you should already instinctively …
Why Abortion Matters So Much
Introduction: It has been more than a biblical generation since the infamous Roe v. Wade case, and abortion continues to be a hot issue. I am most grateful to what might be called the traditional pro-lifers, for keeping this issue alive for all these years. And I am also grateful for a rising tide of …
Governor Northam and the Death Chick
The meltdown that is Democratic Party politics continues apace. So what happened this last week—fueled in large measure, as you all have no doubt surmised, by Trump Derangement Syndrome—was something like this. In anticipation of Trump possibly getting a third Supreme Court appointment in his first term, certain states like New York and Virginia have …
A Prayer for Governor Andrew Cuomo
Our Father and gracious God, we come before You in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. We must begin by confessing our complicity in the great backsliding our nation has embraced over the last half century—as Your people we Christians have been pro-life, but we have not been as diligent, as passionate, …
A Vanishing Center
Although it be Tuesday, there will be no letters or responses today. It is a long and unhappy tale, what with me being on the road, and the wireless on my laptop konking out, such that I am reduced to typing with one finger on my iPad, and I don’t have ready access to your …