Hundreds of Dead Canaries

So then, I recently received an (indirect) question about my use of language that “demeans.” Why do I speak, for example, about “gay activists” as though they were the enemy, the adversary, the foe? And the answer is that in a very important sense, they are the enemy — as testified by their unremitting onslaught …

Why We Need More of Moore, and Also Less of Moore, More or Less

We live in a time of great cultural blessing, by which I mean that God is no longer permitting us to talk nonsense, at least not without that fact becoming manifest to all and sundry. Secular man is just standing there, shivering in his skivvies, listening to the imperious demands of Muslim clerics on the …

What Mardi Gras Has for Breakfast

This is happening in lots of different areas, so I don’t want to pick on Rand Paul. But for the sake of convenience, let us start with him. He recently called for a “truce” within the Republican Party on “social issues,” but what such a truce would actually amount to is total capitulation on the …

On Building a Potato Gun in the Garage

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEJanuary 13, 2013 Our office has been asked for a statement from Douglas Wilson on the news that he has been formally uninvited from delivering the prayer at President Obama’s Second Inauguration. This controversy, as many know, revolves around the fact that Pastor Wilson made a joke a number of years ago in …

The Limitations of Kitten Hugging

Whenever you propose something, as I propose a return to mere Christendom, one of the natural objections people raise is the objection of trajectories — as in, “that’s all very well, but what might this lead to next?” Given this sinfulness of this world, and the genius we have for corrupting everything we touch, this …

What the Goblins Under the Mountain Call It

Yeats notwithstanding, we are not exactly slouching toward Bethlehem. Slouching toward Bedlam is more like it. As the culture around us has gotten ever weirder, and as the leadership of our Reformed and evangelical subculture has done its level best to keep abreast of all the latest advances (lest we be dismissed for being what …