After some commotion and a bit of to-and-froing, the Southern Baptist Convention recently denounced alt-right white supremacy, and did so overwhelmingly. As far as that goes, considered within a narrow compass, no problems. When alt-right racists get poked with any kind of stick, it is difficult for me to summon up any kind of sorrow. …
Jesus Is Not Our Ethanol
The Germans frequently have just the word for it. Taking joy in the misfortunate of another is schadenfreude. That feeling of embarrassment you get on behalf of another who ought to be embarrassed himself but somehow isn’t is fremdschämen. I bring this up because we either need to coin or find another word for another …
Cracking Down on Crackers
Over the years, as I have written on culture and race, I have had to write on two fronts. In order to engage with the MSNBC-approved narrative, I need to engage with the Black Lives Matter kind of evil, which is all the thing these days. It is evil and popular with the cool kids. …
This Crimson Carnage
I begin by saying that I think of the American flag with affection, respect and sorrow. I think of what it used to represent, what it ought to represent, and what it periodically still represents. The sorrow has to do with what our ruling elites are insisting that it must come to represent, and the …
Pretty Sure It Is Not You
Flannery O’Conner wrote that everything that rises must converge, but this must also be said of everything that is circling the drain. The shared worldview of our chattering classes appears to me to be nothing more than a vast epistemic sinkhole. This is the kind of thing that could make Turretin exclaim, were he present …
On Getting Your Conscience Out of the Dumpster
At first I was tempted to call this post “A Little Race Rant,” but I don’t think I will do that. It will be more like a sermon than a rant. It will only seem like a rant to some because I am going to say a few things that it seems to me many …
Skin and Blood
As recent events to Ferguson demonstrate, lawlessness dislocates everything in the system, up-and-down the entire line. People are complicated, especially when they are in sin, and situations are complex. So when people make up their minds about a particular allegation based entirely on the color of the participants, they are establishing nothing other than their …
Clean Up in Aisle 7
“We should not have Aslan for a friend if we brought in that rabble,” said Trufflehunter as they came away from the cave of the Black Dwarfs. “Oh, Aslan!” said Trumpkin, cheerily but contemptuously. ...
Letters In the Shadow of Antioch
Letter to the Editor: Your dad was friends with Louis Zamperini?? Please tell the story or post to anywhere it's been written about. Fight On! CU CU, more details can ...
You Know, Tuesday Letters
Letter to the Editor: Re: Application, Allergies & Anaphylaxis For the last several years I have noticed concrete applications coming from pulpits where I live becoming as rare ...