Introduction: The great Richard Weaver taught us that ideas have consequences. But when they have massive cultural consequences, the mechanism works differently than it does when a solitary individual ...
That Photo
Introduction: Let’s begin with that iconic photo, shall we? Fist raised to reassure his people, and the same fist raised in defiance of his enemies. Red, white, and blue. Red blood, white cuff, and blue jacket. American flag in the background. Blood on his face. The position of the fist makes it look like he …
The Hard Bigotry of Low Expectations
Introduction: George W. Bush once gave a speech that contained a phrase that was laden with worldview wisdom. That phrase was the "soft bigotry of low expectations." When someone is growing ...
Next Letters Template
Letter to the Editor: Who sings the intro (Blind Willie Johnson’s, God Don’t Never Change) to Blog & Mablog? Would you please forward a link of the entire song to me? Thanks so much! ...
A Land Where Nobody Smiles
Introduction: Let's step back a few paces and try to take in the year 2020 in one worldview summary take. I am not promising you anything, but let's give it a go. Joel McDurmon recently asked what ...
Trump, Feminism, and Vegas Fan Dancers
Now let me begin by saying that we must draw a distinction between being happy about Trump and being Trump Happy. If I had thought that a scheduled surgery tomorrow was going to take my right leg off above the knee, and the doctor came in to announce a change of plans, meaning that he …
A Mound of Pink Cotton Balls
More needs to said about the idea of cultural justification. Apart from an understanding of this, there is no hope of grasping the deep divisions that the debates over same sex mirages are revealing. Note that I did not say that these debates are creating these division, but rather that they are revealing them. Same …
Time to Go Buy a Glue Gun
When it comes to appointments to the Supremes, there is supposed to be — as all pretend — no litmus test to be applied. There actually is one, however, and the Democrats do a much better job reading the results of said litmus tests. Their appointees turn out true blue, for the most part, while …
Patriotism With Pom Poms
Yesterday we had a stimulating discussion at the NSA graduate forum, and I was going to take a moment here to let some of my afterthoughts spill over. We were discussing whether the left wing/right wing distinction is inherently an idolatrous one. Anyone who has followed this blog for very long knows that there is …
Before the Civility Fairy Twanged Him with a Wand
H.L. Mencken once ably described democracy as the art and science of running the zoo from the monkey house. There are placid periods where one is permitted to forget this, but every so often elections happen to us, and everything gets ripe and fruity. James Dobson took Obama to ask for his comments in a …