Into the West…
Even Dragons Shall Praise Him
Quite Right
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A Review of Johnny Cash and the Great American Contradiction
Rodney Clapp did us all the favor of viewing certain American challenges through the lens of American country music. He is really insightful at numerous points, and he has a good eye. He is helpful at many points. Unfortunately, a number of the central American contradictions are exhibited by Clapp himself, and so I took on the task of reviewing his book chapter by chapter. This small book is t…
There’s no Deer picture, and the <p> after ‘On Not taking a Hint’ has only partial text.
Lately here, certain things (links, text) are not showing up… namely:
Caldron Pool Interview
A Song I Really Like for Some Reason
On Not Taking a HintBack in the day, way down the South, there was a rural electrification program going on. They
I have noticed this too. Seems to be becoming a regular thing…