
Bumpy Sky Road
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A Song I Really Like for Some Reason
True Enough
HT: Samuel Cherubin
James Morgan
A Woke Hollywood Marshmallow Roast
Featured Product
And There Is None Beside E-Book
This small book is a poetic rendering of Isaiah 40-48. I hope you enjoy it. Below is how it starts — it has all kinds of stuff in it, chiasms and everything.
Speak gentle words and glorious comfort comes
so comfort all the wretched people here
your God has spoken all these words of grace
speak peace and comfort to Jerusalem
and call down comfort on her bend…
Most of this post is not showing up for me. E.g. I see nothing under the following headings:
Old Gif
A song I really Like for Some Reason
Friday Funny
HT: Samuel Cherubin
Featured Product
I see a picture under Open Road and a picture under the heading “And Another Podcast Also” but that’s it.
Same for me
It looks like someone didn’t finish this post…
Is it done?
I’m so confused.
Thanks all. You have helpfully pointed out that I forgot it was Thursday. Now it is current.
Thanks, looks good now (as I’m sure you’re already aware).