So What’s This About?
Lord willing, and the crik don’t rise, I hope that this will be a new weekly feature here at Mablog. At lot is going on around here, and it is sometimes easy to assume that everyone knows about what everyone actually does not know about. So everything else being equal, every Thursday morning look for some sort of curated “round up” of links, videos, publications, or other events.
Same-Sex Mirage
My newest book.
Same-Sex Mirage starts with the fundamentals of marriage and then traces the effects of this foundational institution in every area of life. Is marriage a private matter — an agreement before God alone? Or is it public — a matter for legislation? Obergefell was a disaster for our nation. And, as with every disaster, the biggest benefit is in understanding how we Christians ignored all warnings and let it happen.
Being Christian
My father, Jim Wilson, offers practical wisdom on living the Christian life.
Sermon: Authority & Power
“The reason the unbelieving world does not believe that Jesus is Lord of heaven and earth is because the Christian church doesn’t believe that Jesus is Lord of the nations.”
Singing for Eileen
Daniel Foucachon, from Roman Roads Media, kindly filmed a recent impromptu singing gathering of the saints of Christ Church. Eileen Lawyer has recently passed on to glory, after a battle with cancer. As she was unable to come to church, we brought the church to her. It was quite glorious.
Greyfriars Hall Interview
We recently did a series of interviews regarding the pastoral training program, Greyfriars Hall, which is run by Christ Church. Head over to to watch them all. In this interview we discuss: What a Preacher Oughta Preach!
N.D. Wilson
My son, Nate, was recently interviewed regarding his new book series “Outlaws of Time“.
Quote from CS Lewis

Civil War, Culture War, and the Cross
Pastor Toby Sumpter’s most recent blog has some wonderful insights into how the cross of Jesus is the only solution to mending the woes of our nation and culture.
Christ Church on Facebook
Christ Church is posting more content, more regularly. Do us a favor and like our page, and we’ll do you a favor by offering some great links, articles, sermons, etc.
6 Theses on Online Writing and Civility
Jake Meador, over at, offers a rather thorough survey of how online writing and interactions should, ideally, function. Should is the operative word there.
Portrait Of William Tyndale Begins Crying Blood After Release Of ‘Emoji Bible’
And for a good chuckle, a great Babylon Bee article.
Unrelated question:
Are you aware that keeps getting flagged as “having malicious software”?
I keep trying to go there to watch sermons and my browser blocks the site.
Yes — should be repaired this week.
Awesome! I love a good round up, with cows and horses and perhaps a campfire, too.
Doug, could a link to your Grace and Peace posts as you work through Revelation be posted on these weekly updates?
Doug, I’d like to hear your comments re: Goligher and Trueman’s dust up on Jesus’ submission to the Father.
So, “crik”. There is some dispute but a quick googling turns up evidence that the expression originally referred not to a stream of water but to Creek Indians. It sort of adds drama, don’t you think? Here’s an example.