I have a friend here in Moscow who knows of some possible programming opportunities. That being the case, why shouldn’t you be aware of them? They are currently hiring both inexperienced & experienced C/C++ programmers, and offer the best programming salaries in the Moscow/Pullman area. Company prospects look good for at least the next two …
Gray Havens at Wordsmithy
The good folks coordinating Wordsmithy have added The Gray Havens to the lineup. They will be performing a kick-off Wordsmithy concert on Wednesday September 20th, along with teaching a couple of workshops the following day. And of course, we will have our regulars on tap as well. The concert of course is free for Wordsmithy attendees, which …
You Get the Idea That Reading Is Prized There
If you are interested — and why would you not be? — a link is here.
Wordsmithy is Wordsmithying Along
So then folks, allow me direct your attention to our Wordsmithy writers workshop, expected to arrive this September 20th through the 22nd. Our early bird registration deadline is tomorrow, so run on over and register here. Of course if you can’t make the deadline this workshop is still well worth your extra pennies. This year, …
Mere Gratitude
So it is time for a more expansive update on how Nate is doing, along with an expression of our profound gratitude. “Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget not all his benefits” (Ps. 103:2). Nate had his surgery last Tuesday. We reported on all of that at the time, but here are some …
Yes, I Know About the Stupid Ads
Don’t panic. They will be gone soon. It happened on this wise. My comments hosting company is Disqus, and they recently decided that if you did not subscribe to a paying account, they would put ads up on the formerly free accounts. As much as I value and esteem the comments made here, I did …
Prayers Greatly Appreciated
Update: Thursday morning Just visited Nate this morning with the kids again. He is feeling and looking a bit better. Updates will continue to be posted here, under this head, but not so frequently. We are leaving this morning to drive the kids back to Idaho, and Ben and Bekah are arriving this morning to …
Westminster Podcast
If you take a close look at the banner ads above, you will see that I just added one that will take you to a podcast sponsored by New St. Andrews, in which I work through the Westminster Confession of Faith. Each podcast is devoted to one chapter, and the whole thing is largely an …
How I Don’t Get Everything Done
Introduction: I was recently asked about my daily schedule, about my routines and such. I am willing to share this, with a couple of caveats. First, this is a calendric average, not counting periodic interruptions, like time on the road, or holidays, or having a wedding on the weekend, or the way it was twenty …
Prolegomena to Re-entry
Nancy and I just got back from a two-week vacation in Ireland late last night. We had a glorious time, and I wanted to register just a few thanks before we get back to a semblance of normal around here. And you know that by “normal,” I means posts that address the overpopulated monkey cage …