More Letters and a Random Photo

The Singleness Thing: What about mentally disabled/ill people who “burn” and want to have sex but are not able to sustain a relationship/marriage? Lake Lake, for those who are severely disabled, there are many hard consequences. This would be one of them. Always grateful when someone notes that unwanted singleness is an objective affliction. I …

Letters Have In Fact Arrived

The Demeanor of Calvinism: I am very much in your debt for introducing me to C.S. Lewis’ English Literature in the 16th Century. The section from which you quote (pages 32-46) is one of the best pieces of historical writing that I have read. The awkward part, though, is that, when read in full, Lewis …

Salvation and Slavery

Introduction: In an earlier exchange that I had with Thabiti, he acknowledged that Scripture contains “angular texts” on the subject of slavery. He is one of the few who does acknowledge this—most expositors who claim to believe in inerrancy are content, if the subject is Scripture on slavery, to blow sunshine in all kinds of …

The Content Cluster Muster (04.12.18)

Dad’s Band…TONIGHT!: But Not Sure Where: There is always an open road somewhere . . . Luther would’ve had a lot of fun with this…: Brilliant. — You Had One Job (@_youhadonejob1) April 5, 2018 Babylon Bee Won the Zuckerberg Meme-Fest: Zuckerberg Begins Testimony By Reminding Senators He Knows All Their Deepest Thoughts, Hopes, …

My Little Tin Bucket

I wanted to write a quick something about the Kevin Williamson uproar, and then, Lord willing, write something later about the complicated nature of abortion laws and penology. Maybe Monday for that. When I write on Monday, I will be standing there, as per usual, my little tin bucket filled to overflowing with qualification and …