Today is Tuesday. You Know What That Means.

The Eternal State: Re: “The New Jerusalem” This is compelling. If Revelation 21-22 explain what the bride of Christ looks like, does the Bible explain what things will look like after the return of Christ? Sure, God desires righteousness and justice, and the new heavens and earth would look like that, but it does seem …

Open Thread Tuesday. Not Troll Tuesday at All.

Alabama Senate Race: Re: Hot take on the Alabama Senate election of Dec. 12. You are making the child molestation allegations against Roy Moore the center of the issue. They are nothing of the kind. The allegations should have played exactly the same role in this election as the Access Hollywood tape played in the …

A Richly Deserved Thwapping

Allow me to make a few random observations in pursuit of a larger truth. First, Charles Murry recently wrote a book—By the People—a book that had a marvelous phrase in the subtitle, which was “liberty without permission.” Secondly, and this might seem like a lurch, Nancy and I used to have a very good health …