Rednecks and Homosexuals

Just a few more comments on Miss California, and then I am done. Done, that is, until the next revolution on this merry-go-round that we call cultural commentary. First, one commenter in the previous thread on this had a “physician, heal thyself” question which I thought would be better to answer here. He said that …

A Brick Through the Windshield

Ted Olsen at CT asks Jim Wallis some pointed questions. HT: Justin Taylor And I am afraid I have to make a few comments about his pathetic answers. When Olsen asked him about his stance on abortion — “protecting unborn life in every possible way, but without criminalizing abortion,” Wallis responded by saying that the …

Black Sheep and White Goats

Visionaries, Just a brief response to Andy: I actually do think that R.L. Dabney had some racist assumptions, and these assumptions sometimes came out in truly odd ways. My favorite is found in his Systematic Theology, where he takes on redheads who do not know that they are objectively inferior. These racist assumptions of his …