The world is a place governed by covenants. Covenantal law is present everywhere in a similar way to what we call the law of gravity. And as long as we understand gravity as a personal thing, the law of covenants is like it, and is made evident in a powerful attraction. As we have frequently …
No Such Thing As Nor Partaking
Most of our difficulties with understanding the Supper of the Lord stem from philosophical assumptions that we all carry about with us. One of the principal culprits has been the division of the world we inhabit into two parts—the spiritual and mental, the material and physical. But the world is not to be divided up …
In Person
We too often fall into the trap of thinking that a description is the same thing as an explanation. If confronted with the inadequacy of our description, we resort (oddly) to a more detailed and “scientific” description. But this makes no sense. When we let go of an object, we readily assume that our scientific …
What Kind of Miracle?
What are we doing here? Or, more importantly, what is being done to us here? The Church has historically been divided as to the meaning and import of this Supper. Some believe that no miracle occurs here, others believe that a miracle happens, but it is the wrong category of miracle. A third group believes …
Showing the Lord’s Death
In the words of institution that we use, the apostle Paul says that as often as we eat this bread and drink this cup, we show the Lord’s death until He comes. Now the verb show here means to proclaim or declare. This means that the entire communicant Church preaches or announces or declares. What …
The Aisle of Heaven’s Cathedral
The glory that is developing at this Table is far greater than any mortal man can imagine. We do not know the height, or breadth or depth of it—although the apostle prays that we might begin our lessons. He prays that the saints would be able to know that which surpasses knowledge, to grasp the …
They Shall All Be Taught of God
Our Lord quoted the prophets, saying that it is written there that “they shall all be taught of God.” Jesus interpreted this as meaning that everyone who had heard, and has learned from the Father, comes necessarily to Jesus Christ. This is not to be taken as meaning that anyone can just snap their fingers …
Wine or Grape Juice?
As you know, when we come to celebrate the Lord’s Supper, we have wine available in the outer rings of the trays, and grape juice is in the center. We do this because some Christians have developed scruples about drinking wine, and the New Testament is very plain about how such things are to be …
Do Communion? Or Have Communion?
As we come to the table, we are charged to flee from idolatry. We do this in two ways. The first is that we leave all pagan idols behind. Whether these idols are actual gods made of wood or stone, or are idols of the heart and mind does not matter. We leave them behind …
Rationalism and Superstition
In the message today, we have considered the importance of eating. Food is not a consequence of the Fall, and the nourishment of creatures was no afterthought on the part of God. God created us as eating creatures. As we eat, and grow, and mature, and multiply, we find that God is in the process …