Sermon Video Introduction: In the fourth century, the Council of Nicea settled the question of the Lord’s deity, and consequently became the touchstone that enables us to address various Trinitarian ...
The Reformed Word
“Reformed preaching is declaring biblical truth to promote biblical spirituality as it was rediscovered in the Reformation of the sixteenth century.”
Beeke, Reformed Preaching, p. 58
Which Shouldn’t Be a Shock
“Self-centered preaching produces self-centered hearers.”
Beeke, Reformed Preaching, p. 34
A True Summons
“Reformed experiential preaching uses the truth of Scripture to shine the glory of God into the depths of the soul to call people to live solely and wholly for God.”
Beeke, Reformed Preaching, p. 24
At the Latest
“If a preacher holds anything to be true and knows that his people think he is unwilling to speak his mind upon that point, he had better preach on it next Sunday morning.”
Phillips Brooks, The Joy of Preaching, p. 218)
A Chalcedon Christmas #3
Sermon Video Introduction: At the beginning of Hebrews 3, we are told that Jesus Christ is the Apostle and High Priest of our confession. As an apostle, sent from the Father, He represents God ...
No Sugar Coating
“Men are not won by making belief seem easy, nor are men alienated by the hardness of belief, provided only that the hardness seems to be something naturally belonging to the truth, and not something gratuitously added to it.”
Phillips Brooks, The Joy of Preaching, p. 214
A Chalcedon Christmas #2
Sermon Video Introduction: As we reflect on the mystery of the Incarnation, we have to recognize that we are dealing with a staggering miracle. And the miraculous aspect of it has to do with what ...
A Chalcedon Christmas #1
Sermon Video Introduction : In our denomination, all churches are required to adopt three creeds into their statement of faith. Those three are from the time of the early church, and are the Apostles ...
And Sometimes Really Jealous
“Half a truth is often more jealous of the other half than of an error.”
Phillips Brooks, The Joy of Preaching, p. 195