Minds, Hands, Lungs, and Feet

No discipline seems pleasant at the time but painful, Scripture tells us. But afterward, we are promised, it yields the peaceful fruit of an upright life. Such discipline is too often thought of as chastisement for sin. While of course, this is included in what Scripture addresses, it also, and very importantly, includes all aspects …

You Were Baptized in Water

When we gather together as the people of God, remember that we are the redeemed of the Lord. Our characteristic note should therefore be one of exuberance and joy. Accept no substitutes, particularly the substitute of carnally generated joy. We are called to worship God in the joy of the Holy Ghost. We are commanded …

Three-Fold Office

Our Lord’s threefold office has been described as that of prophet, priest, and king. But these are not mere titles we assign to Him, without any practical apparent meaning. At the beginning of our service, we confess our sins. We seek a way to approach God through the blood of Jesus Christ. In the forgiveness …