Sons of Belial

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The law of God beats us up, but it does this for our edification, not our condemnation. Whenever we hear of His wisdom, His holiness, His righteousness, with humble hearts, it convicts us, but it also encourages us.

But if we are exasperated by it, or condemned, or frustrated, or if we chafe under the declaration of His wisdom, then this shows, not that we are foolish, but that we are in love with our folly, and do not want it taken away from us.

The sons of Belial are quarrelsome whenever they hear wisdom declared. These sons of Belial in Scripture are sons of worthlessness, but they are not from among the heathen. They are not Philistines, or Moabites, but rather grew up within the covenant of Israel, and by their folly and empty vanity, they seek to have God bring the curses of the covenant down upon their heads. When anyone points to the essential problem, which is their own darkened hearts, he is confronted immediately with a stream of self-justifying talk.

We are the new Israel, and so we do have sons of Belial among us. Address your hearts, deal with your families, put away all hypocrisy, and come before the Lord now with humility.

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