Our Father and Lord in heaven, we assemble before You in order to rejoice, just as You have commanded us. We are glad that You have set apart this day for rejoicing, and we are grateful that You have brought us to the point where we have remembered that the joy of the Lord is …
Yelling At My Windshield, Part Nine
I am a good chunk of the way through Robert Godfrey’s talk on sola fide, and even drove around a little extra at lunch to hear more of it. Really fine talk, actually, and I am not saying this satirically at all, although there is some irony involved. If anyone wants to know what DW’s …
Yelling At My Windshield, Part Eight
I finished listening to Dr. Clark’s lecture on the active obedience of Christ. Jeepers. I never knew I believed and taught such things as alleged, and we here at Christ Church have launched a full scale investigation to determine why it was that I was never informed.
Yelling At My Windshield, Part Seven
Dr. Clark makes the statement that we bad guys are teaching somewhere that Christ lived, not a life of perfect condign merit, but rather a life of okay congruent merit. Where we affirmed this, I am sure I don’t know. Maybe one of us is writing for WTJ under a pen name. And maybe he is …
Yelling At My Windshield, Part Six
I am mostly through Dr. Clark’s talk on the active obedience of Christ. In one part of his lecture, he gives a great long list of theologians who affirm and believe in the active obedience of Christ. Missing from this section of his lecture was a sentence like the following: “Douglas Wilson, well known advocate of …
The Politics of Sodomy: Has It Come to That?
INTRODUCTION Often we confront problems in our individual lives, or in our families, and after we have exhausted all the possibilities in our hunt for a solution, we ask others to pray for us. “Oh,” some might be tempted to think. “Has it come to that?” We must learn to begin where we are sometimes …
The Bell in the Tower
Once a young boy lived in a small village on the edge of a great empire. The empire was Christendom, the province Reformatia, and the village had the odd name of Splinter. The elders of the village were solemn and august men, and usually sat on a long wooden bench in the village square, near …
Yelling At My Windshield, Part Five
Just finished listening to Michael Horton’s contribution to the Westminster conference. He made lots of fine points, and is clearly well-read in all the literature that surrounds this particular embarrassment to Christian discourse. Nevertheless, some fundamental misapplications are still there, and the stumbling block is that pesky word merit. I am reminded of that section …
Cultural Trajectory
Growing Dominion, Part 9 Dominion will never be understood through worry. The natural tendency of those who are able to identify trajectories is to assume that what they currently see will go on forever and ever. Herman Melville thought that civilization would end as soon as we ran out of whale oil. After a week …
Yelling At My Windshield, Part Four
At the conclusion of his talk, Dr. Baugh offered some salient comments on the first verses of Galatians 5, over against various forms of covenant nomism. And shoot, I AGREED WITH HIM (the “all caps” are so that theological scholars might pick up on this particular nuance) in his critique of the idea that we …