Slow Motion Helicopter Crashes

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Okay, then. My previous post gave away the fact that I have been reading Not Reformed At All by Robbins and Gerety. Just three comments. First, I have read up through page 63 with that curious sense of fascination that one has while watching slow motion videotape of helicopter crashes. Second, why is it that rationalists and propositionalists and logicians are the most unreasonable people in the world? Why is it that they cannot follow an argument to save their soul? Fortunately, the salvation of their souls does not depend on following arguments (sola fide!), but still, the fact is troublesome. Third, the graphic design of the cover is superb, and is the best argument the book contains, at least in the first 63 pages. But alas, a great cover on a book like this is like that woman in Proverbs without discretion. If someone is looking for a well-reasoned, thoughtful critique of the Auburn position, it ain’t here. But try getting a look at the cover sometime.

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