Theological Spam

My spam filter catches hundreds of invitations a day — invitations to check out these mortgage rates, these crazy chicks, these unbelievable cell phone offers, and more. One nagging question concerns why these companies go to all this effort. Does anybody actually get their mortgage this way? And the answer has to be yes. Otherwise, …

Regeneration and Fatherhood

On all questions regarding regeneration, the basic question is: who’s your daddy? Outside the covenant, the devil is father. For the elect, God is our Father. But for the reprobate covenant member, God is his Father in a real covenantal sense, but in another tangible way, the devil is still his father. This is fully …

The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth

In Not Reformed At All, at the bottom on page 29, Robbins/Gerety breathlessly announce that I have denied the very concept of truth. They put it this way. “In 1999 Wilson published an essay titled “The Great Logic Fraud” in his book The Paideia of God. It expresses his revolt against excellence, precision, and logic. …

Unless the Lord Builds the House

“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16:11) Growing Dominion, Part 11 All dominion is a function of trusting God to do what He promised to do. If He says “do this, and I will respond with this blessing. Go the other way, and I will chastise you,” we can see immediately …