This morning you will notice a few alterations in our liturgy that we wanted to go over with you beforehand. First, we will no longer be announcing any of the hymns or psalms beforehand. We will try to give you a moment to locate where we are in the bulletin, but are trying to keep …
As It Is In Heaven
Minister: Lift up your hearts! Congregation: We lift them up to the Lord! Glorious Father, we assemble before You now in the kindness of Jesus Christ our Savior. We praise Your infinite wisdom and knowledge, for You alone were able to bring creatures like us into Your presence. We assemble before You now in the …
As we have considered in the course of the message, there is no such thing as a nature/grace dichotomy. Nature is grace, and grace, rooted as it is in the very nature of God, is entirely natural. When we come to this table, we are certainly partaking of Christ. But we are not doing this …
Foundations of Marriage VII
Introduction When God created the world, He immediately set about fashioning the world by means of division. He separated man into male and female, and pronounced it all very good. But He divides for the sake of richer union, and not for the sake of division itself. But what is the principle of this kind …
Imprecatory Prayer/Psalm 28
As the people of God, we must not ever be content with unanswered prayer. We cry out to the Lord, and we do not do this because we merely want to hear ourselves talking in a religious way. We do this because we seek deliverance and salvation. “Unto thee will I cry, O LORD my …
Let Earth Receive Her King
The Lord Jesus was born in 4 B.C., which was the year Herod the Great died. He was the tyrant who had the children slaughtered in the region of Bethlehem because of what he heard from the wise men, and so obviously, Jesus had to have been born before Herod died. Dionysus the Insignificant was …
Foundations of Marriage VI
Introduction: What is marriage? On a subject like this, definitions are as important as false definitions are a threat. But as we define, we have to take care that we do not define as good little abstractionists. Biblical knowing, especially concerning marriage, is not a rarified exercise. Text: And the LORD God said, It is …
Creedal Language
We are not engaged in a fight to recover biblical language simpliciter, but rather in a fight to recover the right to use biblical language when necessary. The vocabulary of historic liturgies, systematics, the creeds, and so on are also most necessary, and we should have no interest in ditching them unless absolutely necessary. Our …
Inexorable Light/Psalm 27
If God is for us, then who can be against us? This is the fundamental faith of all who have suffered persecution for the cause of Christ. We see it throughout history, and we discover it in both testaments. One man and God outnumber everybody. “The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall …
Santa Claus At Nicea
And here on the last Sunday of Advent, we need to deal with a competing story. But it would probably be more accurate to say that we have to deal with a godly story that has been encrusted with many layers of foolishness. But let us take away those layers, and ask—who was the original …